Date:25 Jan
Time:12:00 – 13:30
Venue:Online event via Zoom


Drug discovery & development possibilities for industry at SciLifeLab NMR unit and MAX IV BioMAX beamline

This webinar is directed to life science companies and researchers in drug discovery and development. Learn about support available from Swedish research infrastructures as well as gain insights from companies that have used the NMR units at SciLifeLab and the BioMAX beamline at MAX IV Laboratory for their drug discovery and development projects.

Topics and Speakers

The BioMAX beamline in drug discovery: Ana Gonzales, MAX IV

Leveraging X-ray crystallographic data through advanced infrastructures: Björn Walse CEO, SARomics Biostructures

SciLifeLab NMR in drug discovery & development: Cecilia Persson, ISB Platform coordinator, SciLifeLab NMR Centre

Quality testing of biosimilars using NMR: Carl Diehl, Manager of NMR Services, SARomics Biostructures

Break out rooms for further questions and discussion: NMR-break out room with Cecilia P and Carl D and BioMAX-break out room with Ana G and Björn W