Date:18 Jan - 21 Jan
Venue:Storefjell Resort Hotel in Gol, Norway


59th Norwegian Bioscience Society Contact Meeting

The Norwegian Bioscience Society contact meetings are known for showcasing high quality science, with a rather broad coverage across fields of molecular life science. This year the organizers are proud to present excellent international and national scientists within the fields of exosomes, microbiota, phase separation, cancer biology and microscopy combined with artificial intelligence.

There will be nine plenary sessions and three minisymposiums. HALRIC’s Cross Border Research Infrastructure Ambassador in Norway, Nikolina Sekulic will be presenting HALRIC Friday the 19th of January at  17.00 and she is also speaking at the DNA/chromosome minisymposia on the topic of non-nucleosomal CENP-A-DNA complex as possible pillar for centromere organization. On the Saturday Nikolina is also featured in the program for the Biochemistry/Genetics minisymposia where she presents the Structural Biology Core Facilities of the University of Oslo.