DESY and Life Science Nord invites the Life Science community in the Hamburg area to a joint event about molecular analytics and research possibilities at the DESY-Campus. They will amongst others present HALRIC as one of their joint initiatives to encourage collaboration between companies and researchers. The participants will get insights to capabilities, such as the beamline PETRA III for Drug Discovery and learn more about new materials in MedTech. The event will kick off with a 1.5 hr tour to get a ‘touch-and-feel’ of DESY (tours will also be available in English).
Following the tour there will be different talks from experts representing academia, research and industry:
- DESY and Life Science Nord: Joint projects to connect business and science in the field of life sciences
- EMBL and Biosaxs GmbH: Small-angle X-ray scattering of proteins: What is the purpose and the advantages of this investigation method?
- Helmholtz Center Hereon: Better materials for the medical industry
- University of Hamburg: The X-ray fluorescence method for medical imaging
- DESY: In vivo studies at a synchrotron radiation source
- Crystals First: Scientific Service Companies – Specialists in Drug Discovery
To conclude the event the participants will have the opportunity to network and meet across their different disciplines.