Pilot Projects

Approved Projects

Advancing cellular infection models in the search for new antibiotics

Pathogenic bacteria cause life threatening infections in animals and humans. Bacterial resistance towards antibiotics, which are used for treatment of bacterial infections, is one of the top three health threats identified by the European Commission in 2022. Light microscopy is an established powerful technique used to investigate how pathogenic bacteria physically interact with human host cells, whereas little is known about their metabolic interaction i.e., how do the bacteria fuel their energy needs inside the human cell?

Combining information on host-pathogen interaction from light microscopy with and metabolic information from Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) can increase the understanding of how invading bacteria fuel their proliferation and in extension suggest new ways to treat infections. The technology which will allow combination of light microscopy and metabolic studies with NMR is currently missing. This project will therefore develop a microfluidic chamber, which is needed to bring the two technical modalities closer together.

The project will be performed as a collaboration between the Center for Hyperpolarization in Magnetic Resonance (HYPERMAG) at the Technical University of Denmark, the Center for Structural Systems Biology (CSSB) in Hamburg and a newly established start-up company (JD Coils) in Hamburg.

The interdisciplinary project brings two scientific fields together which are normally separated by technical barriers. HYPERMAG is specialized on the application of hyperpolarization to NMR and MRI, with a world class infrastructure including three NMR spectrometers and three polarizers dedicated exclusively to dDNP research. CSSB is a leading center for live cell and correlative light and electron (cryo-)microscopy, with state-of-the-art light and fluorescence microscopes.

The partners have a common interest in providing new technology to aid the search for new targets against antibiotic resistant bacteria and the project has immediate innovative potential, which is emphasized by the participation of JD Coils.

For further information about this HALRIC pilot project, please contact:

Pernille Rose Jensen
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

Starting date:
30 Jul, 2024

Research infrastructures:

  • Center for Structural Systems Biology (CSSB)

HALRIC partners:

  • Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
  • University of Hamburg (UHH)
  • JD Coils (Industry Partner)

Project participants:

  • Dr. Pernille Rose Jensen (DTU)
  • Dr. Ke-Chuan Wang (DTU)
  • Dr. Roland Thünauer (CSSB/UHH)
  • Juan D. Sánches Heridia (JD Coils)