Hanseatic Life Science Research Infrastructure Consortium (HALRIC)
Looking to fast-track your research or product development? Then you might want to connect with HALRIC in the Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak (ÖKS)-Hamburg Region!
We aim to be a springboard for innovation capacity in the Life Science sector via increased access to and use of cross-border front-end technologies, instruments, expertise, and data handling solutions. This includes large-scale infrastructures, such as MAX IV, ESS, DESY and European XFEL, as well as cutting-edge complementary infrastructures at the Universities and Hospitals in the ÖKS-Hamburg Region.
Through pilot projects HALRIC is facilitating collaboration between academia, hospitals, SMEs as well as larger biotech and pharma companies and we call for more research project proposals for the use of one or more Research Infrastructures in the HALRIC consortium. HALRIC’s Hanseatic Science Cloud is also working on prototype models for handling the huge amounts of electronic data generated by the Research Infrastructures in collaborative projects.
The 21 partners in our EU-Interreg ÖKS supported project want to open the door to new techniques and methologies that help solve research questions, and we also work to strengthen the Life Science ecosystems and strategic dialogues between the four countries in the project (Denmark, Germany, Norway, Sweden).
Engineering biocompatible microcapsules for targeted enzyme delivery to enhance anticancer treatments
Cancer cells often exhibit unusual sugar patterns on their surfaces, which play a central role in tumor development and progression. These sugar patterns, particularly sialic...
Facilitating Drug Design with Fragment-based Active Site Exploration (FASE)
This HALRIC pilot project aims to identify new potential drug candidates and enzyme inhibitors using an innovative method of soaking small molecules into crystals of target...
Data management of proof-of-concept study to understand intrinsically disordered proteins
The ability of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) and intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) in proteins to self-associate is a vital mechanism for the formation of...
BioSAXS and LU-Fold Facilities at Lund University Open Doors for Collaborative Research
The state-of-the-art facilities at Lund University provide unique resources and expertise to advance research in Life Sciences and material science. BioSAXS and LU-Fold were inaugurated in 2023 and are open to foster collaborative projects and advance scientific discovery through cutting-edge technology and expertise.
HALRIC kicks off mapping of Life Science Research Infrastructures
To facilitate cross-border collaboration and more efficient use of resources, HALRIC is mapping Research Infrastructures in the ÖKS-Hamburg Region. The mapping is expected to be a desirable tool to help different user groups to identify and gain access to a wide range of resources, services, and facilities.
HALRIC invites Research Infrastructures and hospitals to combine techniques and competences for the benefit of clinical research
Early March, Universitätsklinikum Hamburg Eppendorf (UKE) facilitated a workshop to familiarize clinical researchers with HALRIC. The first HALRIC pilot-project involving clinical researchers from Rigshospitalet kicked off in February and it addresses the feasibility of using Micro-CT to optimize surgical precision in oral cancer.