With EUR 11 million of funding, the 3-year project is off to a great start to enhance the innovation capacity within life science through cross-border collaboration and utilization of the unique research infrastructures in the Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak (ÖKS) and Hamburg Region!
“The opportunities for research and innovation using large-scale facilities are for many user communities underexploited. Especially for medical research, linking expertise to less experienced users is important to further this community. The HALRIC project is an excellent opportunity to engage new users, create critical mass and strengthen the collaborations not only between universities but also with industry,” said Erik Renström, vice-chancellor of Lund University in the press release announcing the project approval from Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak.
HALRIC’s primary aim is to facilitate up to 75 pilot collaborations for companies, hospitals, and universities with research infrastructures. Such triple-helix collaborations are essential and at the kick-off conference Kajsa M Paulsson, HALRIC Project Director, highlighted the need for new technology and methods to solve existing and future life science and medical research questions. Part of the solution is the cross-border collaboration that will take place through HALRIC pilot projects.
The Hanseatic Science Cloud in HALRIC will also develop prototype models for handling the exceptionally large amounts of data generated by such infrastructures. Thirdly, the consortium will facilitate further development of the life science ecosystems in the involved regions through its activities and a new upcoming international strategic forum.
HALRIC has 21 partners, including hospitals, universities, research infrastructures, regional governments as well as life science organisations working closely with industry. In addition to the partners involved in the previous HALOS project (2019-2022) HALRIC has welcomed 6 new partners: Universitätsklinikum Hamburg Eppendorf, Skånes universitetssjukhus (Skåne University Hospital), Rigshospitalet, SDU eScience Center, Medicon Village, Life Science Nord.
Go to the Press section for further partner announcements about the start of HALRIC.
See pictures from the kick-off conference: